Our beliefs and unconscious patterns write the stories that we tell ourselves and often dictate the way we live our lives

With almost 30 years of working as a Psychotherapist, I have had the privilege of hearing thousands of stories from people from all walks of life and from many broad horizons.

The main thing that I have found in common with these stories, is that there is often a deeper theme or sense of meaning lying just below their surface.

I specialise in working with unconscious belief patterns and programmes that keep people blocked from moving forwards in their lives.

"It's hard to read the label when you are inside the jar"

That is why it is sometimes useful to get another perspective on our lives and that is where
I would love to help you to find the way out of what may be holding you back from feeling free.

I use tools and techniques together with person-centred and Jungian based therapy to
help identify these labels or themes and to process past traumas and unhelpful and
outmoded beliefs.

My role is not as an 'Advisor', as I am not here to tell you what is 'best' for you.

I believe that your Unconscious Mind already knows exactly what you need.

As a facilitator and therapist, I see myself more as a 'Detective', who can support you in identifying and following the clues and signals that your Unconscious Mind is continually sending you, as it tries to faithfully guide you to a greater sense of happiness and fulfilment. These 'signals' can turn up as health crises, feeling lost, general malaise or depression, anxiety and a whole host of symptoms of degenerating mental health.

I work actively with my clients to help them to free themselves from the nightmares of flash-backs of traumatic events, as well as working with a large spectrum of mental health issues that have wrought such havoc and misery in their lives. Clients can find such solace knowing that they can move forwards with greater understanding and resourcefulness by doing this 'inner work' in our sessions together, in a supportive and safe space.

Therapy is an Art to 'Know Thyself' and can be one of the most rewarding journeys you could ever embark upon. I would be very pleased to be
your travelling companion to support you on this part of your road to wellbeing.

As a first step, why not book in a Free, no obligation half hour 'Affinity Call' with me?

That way I can find out a bit about you and what it is that you are seeking help with at this time and you can ask me any questions you may have, before deciding whether we would be a good fit.

Simply email me at corah.talk@gmail.com